API Documentation

Start a new conversion

The function recognizes (OCR) data in a file specified in the InputFile parameter and returns a converted file in a form of structured data in a format specified in the OutputFileFormat parameter.

Issue a following POST request, To start recognizing data in a file:

Usage example:
curl -i -X POST -d curl -i -X POST -d '{"apikey": "_YOUR_API_KEY_", "inputfile":"http://google.com/", "outputfileformat":"json"}' https://converttodata.com/converttodata


Field Type Description
ApiKey String Your API Key. (Required)
InputFile String URL of the input file (if input=url), or file content (if input = raw/base64). (Required)
OutputFileFormat String Output format, to which the file should be converted to. Available values:
- json;
- xml;
- csv;
- xlsx.
Default "json".


Field Type Description
AvailableFiles String Conversion API credits available on balance.
FileName String Original file name.
IsError Boolean Error flag during conversion.
Returns True if there were errors, otherwise False.
ErrorReason String Contains error description if parameter IsError = True.
Rows String Recognized data from a file.
Success Response (example) (OutputFileFormat = "json" or not specified):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "AvailableFiles": 1000, "FileName": "MYTEST.pdf", "IsError": "False", "ErrorReason": "", "Rows": [ {"Description": "product 1", "Count": 2 "Price": 50 "Total": 100 } {"Description": "product 2", "Count": 3 "Price": 30 "Total": 90} ] }
Error Response (example) (OutputFileFormat = "json" or not specified):
HTTP/1.1 500 Invalid request { "AvailableFiles": 0, "IsError": "true", "ErrorReason": "Error: Invalid request", }

Send data recognition (OCR) parameters

Use this request to send data recognition (OCR) parameters. A submitted parameters will be used for all new conversions. A request returns information on the current conversion service parameters configured for the specified user (determined by the ApiKey), including into account an adjustment of their results in this request.

Issue a following POST request to change an OCR process setting:

Usage example:
curl -i -X POST -d curl -i -X POST -d '{"ApiKey": "_YOUR_API_KEY_", "SetDefault":"false", "OutputFileFormat":"json", "Language":"eng,fra", "ResultAsFile: "false", "DeleteCharInNum":"true", "DeleteCharInID":"true", "DeleteNullRows": "true", "CorrectColOffset": "true"}' https://converttodata.com/converttodata


Field Type Description
ApiKey String Your API Key (Required).
SetDefault Boolean Set default options. Default "true"
OutputFileFormat String Output format, to which the file should be converted to. Available values:
- json;
- xml;
- csv;
- xlsx.
Default "json".
Language String Language for recognizing data in the file. If you need to install several languages, list them separated by “,”. The more languages are specified, the slower the conversion process is. Default "eng".


Field Type Description
AvailableFiles String Conversion API credits available on balance.
FileName String Original file name.
IsError Boolean Error flag during conversion.
Returns True if there were errors, otherwise False.
ErrorReason String Contains error description if parameter IsError = True.
Rows String Recognized data from a file.
Success Response (example) (OutputFileFormat = "json" or not specified):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "AvailableFiles": 1000, "FileName": "MYTEST.pdf", "IsError": "False", "ErrorReason": "", "Rows": [ {"Description": "product 1", "Count": 2 "Price": 50 "Total": 100 } {"Description": "product 2", "Count": 3 "Price": 30 "Total": 90} ] }
Error Response (example) (OutputFileFormat = "json" or not specified):
HTTP/1.1 500 Invalid request { "AvailableFiles": 0, "IsError": "true", "ErrorReason": "Error: Invalid request", }